Row by Row Garden Show

Row by Row Garden Show

Row by Row Episode 21: The Best Wheel Hoe Attachments for Your Garden

September 27, 2018

On this week’s episode, the guys discuss the wide variety of attachments that are available for the Hoss Wheel Hoe. They go through each attachment and help to explain which are the best wheel hoe attachments for each particular garden or situation. They talk about the new Winged Sweep attachment that just became available and how it has more "bite" than the cultivator teeth. This additional bite or angle of cultivation will be helpful to those with harder, clay soils or those with heavy weed pressure. They also differentiate between the standard Sweeps and the Oscillating Hoe attachments. They mention that the Sweeps are for lighter jobs, while the Oscillating Hoes are some of the best wheel hoe attachments for heavier applications. They discuss the usefulness of the Disk Harrow attachment for light cultivation in softer soils and talk about the Drip Tape Layer attachment being a huge labor-saving device.

On the Show & Tell segment this week, they talk about the variety of collards that they are growing this fall. This "Tiger" variety of collards is very similar to the Top Bunch variety that was so popular for many years. However, due to a crop failure, the Top Bunch variety is no longer available. They also provide an update on the demonstration garden at the Hoss Tools Sustainable Living Center for the Sunbelt Ag Expo and mention that they will be planting some mixed greens and cover crops there in the next few days.

On the Q&A segment, they answer a questions about well water vs. tap water and using drip tape on onions. Greg mentions that tap water, or "city water", can affect the pH of your garden soil over time. He believes the chlorine concentrations are low enough to not have a significant effect, but that the pH should be monitored if one is using municipal water on their vegetable garden. Travis then explains his system for planting onions on drip tape, with two rows of onions per one line of drip tape.
Tool of the Week
Spinosad Garden Insect Spray