Routing Out

Episode 0: Preview
Digging up the curious... quirky... controversial...
Unearthing and exploring the unusual, odd, and unique in the ordinary, the uncomfortable lurking in the universally accepted or condoned, and the mundane, quaint and humorous in people and subjects popularly deemed to be provocative, outrageous or sensational…. and any combination of the above….
People and situations, including ourselves and our own lifestyles, are usually much less conveniently categorized than we are led, or lead ourselves to believe. However hard we look for or cling to reassuring archetypes that affirm our preferences and prejudices, we are continually flummoxed and frustrated by individuals or groups who go against the grain of their perceived category, or who reveal character traits that sit uncomfortably with our desire to revere or condemn them outright… that is, as long as we don’t turn our backs on the unfamiliar.
Get a taste of Routing Out, reflections, ponderings, ruminations.... and speculations as to the nature of what we might unearth....
No promises....