

Latest Episodes

How the U.S. and E.U. Can Win Against China
October 01, 2021

The Technology and Trade Council, launched this week, may just show the way forward to a real industrial strategy in the face of China's rise.

What Is Going On With COVID Booster Shots?
September 22, 2021

We spoke with Dr. Monica Gandhi to find out where all the confusion around boosters is coming from.

Elliot Ackerman on Our Exit from Afghanistan
September 17, 2021

Elliot Ackerman -- decorated solider, best-selling novelist and National Book Award Nominee -- talks about our exit from Afghanistan.

What to Do About Vaccine Hesitancy
August 11, 2021

We spoke with Johns Hopkins professor Tara Kirk Sell about how to combat vaccine hesitancy and why government vaccine mandates could be a mistake.

Are We Alone in the Universe? Avi Loeb Wants to Know
July 30, 2021

We spoke for this episode with Avi Loeb, the Harvard astronomer who wants to find out if we are alone in the universe -- and has launched an amazing new effort, the Galileo Project, to do just that.

Masih Alinejad, the Gulf’s “Greenshift,” and More
July 15, 2021

We talked through the kidnapping plot against Masih Alinejad, the Gulf's coming climate change paradigm shift, Yemen, and more with Norman Roule.

Climate Change Is Coming. Here’s How We Adapt.
June 23, 2021

Leading economist Matthew Kahn tells us why and how we can use incentives, tech, and revolutionary thinking to deal with the hotter future coming our way.

Why Ransomware is the Wave of the Future
June 16, 2021

We spoke with April Doss of Georgetown Law about crypto, Colonial pipeline, and the looming digital risk faced by businesses and governments.

The Lab Leak Hypothesis, the U.S. China Bill, and More
June 08, 2021

We spoke with FDD's Emily de La Bruyre about the latest news around China, including the historic (or not-so-historic) shift to a three-child policy.

After the Ceasefire, What Next?
May 25, 2021

We spoke with Elliott Abrams about how he sees events playing out post-ceasefire and the strange erasure of Palestinian politics.
