Rosemary’s Ladies: A Horror Movie & Bad Movie Review Podcast
Ep. 128 Splice aka Starring Jazz and Tic Tacs
TW: sexual assault is mentioned in this episode.
New year, new month, new theme! This month we are tackling genetically engineered...stuff...We kick off this month with 2009’s, “Splice!” Ufda. This movie was WEIRD and not really in a good way. Join us as we discuss if Adrien Brody is hot, what the heck they spliced human DNA with, and the gross, gross, turn of events at the end of the movie. Be sure to rate and subscribe otherwise we’ll splice your DNA with a fish...or a dog...or a scorpion...
Stats/info: 2009, directed by Vincenzo Natali, starring Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley, and Delphine Chaneac
(Intro music from