Room 77 Swinger Podcast | Lifestyle Podcast For Swingers

Ep. 48: How To Be a Better F#cker
- Lauren jumps into high gear and is showered and ready for a foursome before Richard can finish talking about his headlights.
- Richard has more penis envy, while Lauren marches the penis around like a doll baby.
- Does a COVID shot protect you from all STD's?
- More gym nonsense...
- We talk about drama in the lifestyle and give some #swingeradvice #lifestylemasterclass about how we've dealt with it in the past.
Support us with:
- Book your Desire / Temptation /Hedo trip* with Lauren and get a free Bikini Addiction bikini!
++Perky bottoms are now in stock in Neon Pineapple! Grab yours and save 10% with code: ROOM77 at #DontLetTheKarensWin
Special thanks to our Patreons who keep this podcast and our lives in order. In this episode, we go through each thing you bought for us this month!
@BikiniAddiction for your caterpillar fur soft bikini!
Come join us this November in Mexico or next year in Antigua!