Roofing SEO Podcast

Roofing SEO Podcast

ChatGPT and Roofing SEO

June 06, 2023

ChatGPT is the hottest topic in digital marketing right now, and roofing companies are wondering how it applies to roofing SEO. ChatGPT is a potent tool. However, it cannot provide the signals Google looks for when ranking roofing-based content.

Aside from ChatGPT, Google is moving to an AI-powered search engine. This is known as Google Bard and the Search Generative Experience (SGE). The primary thing that SGE will focus on is pulling "expert" content from various sources.

The new primary goal of roofers is to demonstrate expertise. The best tool to help you achieve this is DataPins which validates your jobs with pins containing the most critical branded signaling for local contractors.

To learn more about how ChatGPT impacts roofing SEO, check out the article below: