Roofing SEO Podcast

Roofing SEO Podcast

DataPins: The Ultimate SEO Tool for Roofers

September 12, 2022

Learn all about DataPins, the ultimate roofing SEO tool in 2022. Take pictures of your roofing jobs, add captions, and DataPins does the rest by adding geo-coordinates and publishing the pin to the tagged service or city pages. Add regular content updates to your service and city pages. 

Why DataPins Works

How does Google choose between 5,000 roof repair pages when ranking websites? Do they choose the website that publishes trash blog content written by English majors? Or do they choose the roofer using DataPins, the ultimate SEO tool for roofers, that creates a schema pin of a completed roof repair job in a specific area? It's quite obvious when you study Google's guidelines which prioritize E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness)

As Nolen and Jason discuss real-world examples of DataPins success, it's clear that pins add more relevancy to your content than the trash blog posts written by non-roofers. 

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