Episode 009- Rochelle Kopp — Japanese business 2022: the year of engagement

March 10, 2022
Japanese business 2022: the year of engagement

Rochelle Kopp is a management consultant in Japan, specializing in cross-cultural communication, human resources, leadership and organization development. Through the company she founded, Japan Intercultural Consulting, she works with Japanese companies doing business globally and global companies doing business in Japan.

A veteran facilitator, lecturer, executive coach…and author and/or co-author of 38 books…Rochelle delivers cross-cultural team-building training sessions and global consulting to scores of Japan’s leading companies, and session participants from around the world. And helps Japanese companies succeed in maximizing on the global trends that are shaping the future for Japanese business.

In this episode, Rochelle discusses some of the themes and challenges for Japanese business in 2022. Particularly, the way that Japanese companies who wish to re-boost themselves in this [almost] post-COVID world of “globality” (my word, not hers) need to understand, think about, and embrace the idea of employee engagement.

To me personally, sometimes management-related terms or hiring concepts seem to get lost in the words. Motivation, productivity, efficiency, etc. Rochelle makes them into living and actionable steps, for a Japan facing a new year, and a new normal, and a new work force.

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