Episode 002- Kevin Hamilton — Starting a creative production boutique
The genesis of a creative production boutique in Tokyo
Kevin Hamilton is an entrepreneur, copywriter, and the creative director at UBIQ KK, a creative production boutique in Tokyo providing global-targeted corporate communications for a range of major Japanese companies and brands in multiple industries.
In this interview, Kevin discusses the genesis of his company, UBIQ KK, and what it does; and as a long-time resident of Japan and a person with a music background, he also reveals an exciting new area of business that his company will be starting to help bring the music of talented Japanese musicians to a global audience.
UBIQ KK Facebook:ユビーク株式会社-1733616453539090/
Video resolution is terrible until about 2 minutes in…sorry everyone.
JayTee note to self: get an additional camera with better resolution; and…never do a podcast on a sunny day in a room with no curtains. LOL. I’m glad my guest was on the shady side of the room.