The Roleplaying Exchange

The Roleplaying Exchange

Latest Episodes

Unknown Armies 3 Panel Live Gen Con 2016
August 08, 2016

Live from Gen Con 2016:  Greg Stolze, Jeff Tidball, Cam Banks, and Colleen Riley give the lowdown on the upcoming Unknown Armies 3 rpg.

Episode 7.1 Prepping for Gen Con 2016
July 23, 2016

In this special episode Noah gives advice to Adam on how  prepare for his first full Gen Con. Areas of discussion:  What to bring to Gen Con, eating at Gen Con, navigating the crowd, being sanitary at Gen Con.

Episode 7: Character creation
July 21, 2016

    Character creation and party dynamics might not be the first concern when designing or starting a role playing game, but bad character concepts can ruin a game.  In this episode we discuss character creation.

Episode 6: About Us
June 22, 2016

It was recommended to us a few episodes back that we should probably introduce ourselves. So, in this episode we will briefly discuss ourselves, bad tattoo decisions, and what we wish to accomplish with this podcast.

Episode 5: Interview With Caleb Stokes
May 16, 2016

Chris, Noah, and Adam break out the tin cans and string to interview Caleb Stokes about his upcoming Kickstarter for Hebannon Game’s Red Markets. Red Markets is an economic horror game set in the wake of a partial zombie apocalypse.

Episode 4: Starting A Game
May 04, 2016

I In this episode we discuss how to start your first tabletop role playing game, and our favorite Channing Tatum films.  The two aren’t exactly related, but that was the way the conversation went.

Episode 3: Interview with Greg Stolze
April 19, 2016

In our first interview Greg Stolze discusses his latest project, Unknown Armies 3rd edition, a horror rpg game that is currently kickstarting through April 29th, 2016.  Curious about the fate of the Freak?  Wonder whatever happened to the Scotsman?

Episode 2: Preparing for your game & Gen Con 2015 reflections.
April 09, 2016

In episode 2 we discuss the prep work than can go into your game. Also included in this podcast is an another recording about our experiences at Gen Con 2015 that we initially planned as a separate podcast.

Episode 1: Choosing a system & genre
April 09, 2016

In our first episode we discuss picking a role playing genre and system to suit you and your players needs. Special thanks to Ghostmice for allowing us to use their song “Critical Hit” as the intro and outro of the show.

Listening To Learn: Using actual plays to improve your game.
April 09, 2016

For beginning players or game masters, learning the ins-and-outs of role playing can be a daunting task.   While the book is an obvious good place to start, simply reading the text doesn’t completely prepare one for stepping into the role of a player