The Roleplaying Exchange

The Roleplaying Exchange

Actual Play: Delta Green – Operation: PELAGIC

May 01, 2017


A group of federal employees with special clearance are scrambled to Crofton, Maryland, as the Program comes to fear infiltration by a non-human lineage. The body of William Garrett, NSA analyst and Delta Green friendly, has been discovered in his townhouse. Garrett’s cadaver appears to have been partially transformed into a reptilian, or possibly aquatic, hominid monstrosity. Have the Program’s efforts to track and sever the Innsmouth bloodlines been in vain? What killed William Garrett, and how? Operation PELAGIC has been activated at short notice to plunge into murkier depths than anyone could possibly expect in this original scenario.
Some of the material Patrick was quoting in this episode “Intelligences” which can be found in Dennis Detwiller’s Tales from Failed Anatomies.
Detwiller, Dennis. Delta Green: Tales from Failed Anatomies. Chelsea, AL: Arc Dream Publishing, 2014. Print.
(MLA citation, because we are that professional)