The Roleplaying Exchange

The Roleplaying Exchange

Actual Play – Fiasco – Cemetery Village

March 01, 2017


Check out our fist crossover episode with the crew from the Technical Difficulties Gaming Podcast.
“What good is $10 million if you can’t have real money.” –Jesse Livermore
It’s not the body that’s the problem; Howard Rochester has been on his last legs for months now. No, the real problem is everything else; the death of the richest man in Hitchcock Reserve Gated Community leaves a very big power vacuum. Rochester had a lot of secrets dealings, obligations, and there was that unfortunate business with Susan Grossman…
Now the money, power, (assisted) sex, and lies are crashing down, and it’s up to you to pick up the pieces. How do you act after you’ve achieved the American Dream, and watched the white picket fence rot?
Warning:  We get a bit political here.