

Net-Gunning for Big Mule Deer

January 20, 2025

Robby hosts Woodrow "Woody" Myers on today's episode. Woody was a wildlife biologist for the state of Washington for 40 years before retiring and joining the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission Commission members | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife He's been instrumental in conserving mule deer in Washington and has a deep historical perspective on challenges for mule deer in the Evergreen State. Woody helped pioneer net-gunning for mule deer, helped defeat development that would have killed critical winter range and migration corridors, and accomplished much more for mule deer. His latest battle is winning for hunters at the Washington Commission level. He explains the challenges he's up against and how hunters can help him help not only help mule deer in Washington, but all big game species.

Also joining the episode is Daniel Russell, Target Shooting Program Manager for Washington Department of Natural Resources Recreational Target Shooting | WA - DNR

Daniel brings a hunter's perspective to the episode concerning growing big mule deer and recruiting hunters to fight the challenges mounting against Washington hunters.

Listen in for some good perspective on managing wildlife in the Evergreen State of Washington. The net-gunning stories alone are worth the listen.

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You can find Robby’s books, Hunting Big Mule Deer and The Stories on Amazon here

or signed copies from the Rokslide store here