
Late Archery Mule Deer with Brian Barney
Late archery mule deer hunting is a unique but very challenging opportunity, yet Brian Barney tags big mule deer frequently on these hunts. Robby hosts Brian on today's Rokcast to talk about this specific season and how he's been consistently successful. Here's just a few things they talked about on this episode:
Definition of “late archery mule deer”
How are tactics adapted to expected buck behavior?
Hunting with a bow during rifle seasons
How hunting late archery is different than early seasons
How does the stalk to ambush ratio change from early to late season?
Does Brian prefer snow or no snow during the late archery seasons?
Equipment considerations in late vs early: bow brand/model, sight system, broadhead, arrow type/weight, bow mods & clothing, footwear, camp
Tag availability for late archery mule deer seasons.
You can find Brian's Eastman's Elevated & Life of a Bowhunter podcasts here:
Late Season Mulies with Brian Barney | Eastmans’ Elevated Podcast EP#193
More archery mule deer hunting here: Archery Mule Deer Hunts! - Rokslide