Rohrich Knose

Rohrich Knose

Latest Episodes

The WOW effect of Temple Hollow correction!
March 13, 2024

Temple hollow correction is an important aspect of facial rejuvenation for a youthful appearance. The temple area refers to the hollowed-out region on the sides of the forehead, between the ...

Becoming a plastic Surgeon- the Journey!
March 09, 2024

The journey to becoming a plastic Surgeon is long and arduous, but it is an amazingly worthwhile and very rewarding profession in helping to restore patients lives in this podcast ...

Life Advice from Jane McGarry – completely Honest and UNPLUGGED!
March 04, 2024

In this remarkable unplugged #rohrichknosepodcast Jane McGarry the host of Good Morning Texas is completely open and honest about not only her pet peeves but what drives her and what ...

Miley Cyrus – Did she or didn’t she?
March 01, 2024

Miley Cyrus won her first Grammy award recently and she looks amazing-but certainly a lot different than she has in the past. Dr. Rohrich breaks down on what potentially she ...

Becoming a Great Leader- What truly Matters!
February 26, 2024

Dr Rohrich explores the key characteristics and skills of true leadership with Erik Sletten- a leadership development expert in this exciting Rohrich Knose podcast!

How to get the Best Breast Augmentation Results!
February 20, 2024

Getting consistently excellent results and Breast Augmentation can be challenging. In this special RohrichKnose podcast Dr. Rohrich discusses the recent advances and finesse of Breast Augmentation wit

The 5 Step Lip Filler Finesse- Getting it Right!
February 17, 2024

Mastering lip filler requires an understanding of the aesthetic lip anatomy and lip shape, and contour for each individual patient Dr. Rohrich Will describe the finesse and artistry of the ...

Teaching Excellence at Dallas Rhinoplasty !
February 09, 2024

To be the best you must train with the best! This global meeting is the hallmark of excellence in Rhinoplasty! Dr. Rohrich discusses the paradigm shift in rhinoplasty with both ...

Jane McGarry’s Best Interview!
February 04, 2024

Jane is the host of good morning Texas, and long time Dallas/Fort Worth television and news anchor. She discusses her most interesting interviews ranging from presidents to celebrities and football ..

The Art of Breast Augmentation with Dr Hidalgo
February 03, 2024

Dr. Rohrich discusses all the finesse and nuances of modern Breast Augmentation with world, renowned board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Hidalgo from New York City Join us to learn ...