Rocking Comedy Show

Rocking Comedy Show


October 21, 2020


Today on
The Rocking Comedy Show
we try to answer the question what did the Backstreet Boys Want That Way, and What is it that Meatloaf won’t do, are they the same thing? Someone messed with my music folder so the songs are a not what you think today, plus some sick ass covers, and of course GAMES!!! Along with the music making his way on to the show for the first time is
Taylor Bradley
we will talk with him and pretty sure have a few laughs. J9 is off tonight, and so is
Dan Doran
, but I will be joined by
AJ Wyatt
! We go LIVE at 6:00pm (pst) Taylor joins us for hour 2 and we keep the fun going till 9:00pm. So Take off your pants, grab a drink or a COCK-tail… (check out yesterdays show for that) and log on and listen at www.RadioVegas.Rocks or use the FREE app and listen on the go~ #wherevegasgoestorock #OnlineIsTheNewFM #nopantsradioshow