Rocking Comedy Show

Rocking Comedy Show


April 14, 2020

QUARANTINE DAY 1,206 OR MAYBE DAY 22! The world wide shutdown continues, yes the whole plant is on hold still. Today we have New Music Monday, The Year in Music, Craigslist is the Price Right, and our new games “Who Smells Worse!” We have another great show tonight our friend Cheryl Prater is stopping by to hang with us, Plus Sam Novak will let us all know what the celebs have been doing in lock down! I have 3 special songs in the RCS Jukebox, Nicole Berens has another round of You’ll Be Glad You Were Blindfolded, Chas Elstner has a perfect recipe to help with Social Distancing it’s 50 Bean Soup and Onions. Tune in LIVE tonight at 6:00pm www.RadioVegas.Rocks where we are 6ft apart pant less and covered in sanitizer!! #StaySafe #WashYourHands #LiveBallsOut