Rocking Comedy Show

Rocking Comedy Show


January 22, 2020

Today on The Rocking Comedy Show we have a “World Premier” happening at 12:30pm with Smash Into Pieces and their new song “Mad World” We have Craigslist is the Price Right? along with Romance Novel or a Porno, we have some new music from Leading Light, We Are The Empty, and more. Plus playing you one from our friend Lord Prosser. Along with that Blue Jackson from the Atomic Saloon Show is coming in to talk to us about what is going on down at that weird saloon, and I think we can get him to do a few songs too. Also on the show today some eye candy for Candy Binnings and your host of SinCity Lovin podcast Brandi Giese will be co hosting our show today as well. Sponosored by Zipfizz Healthy Energy, Spunk Lube, and Jessie Raes BBQ and of course Ball Wash