Rocket Pants
Episode 2: The Eric M Hunter Cast - Guest at us, Come on!
Hosting this episode: Alex
Editing this episode: Jon
Guest this week: Mode B - Guest = Eric Hunter
Recording Time : September 4th 8PM EST
Intro: “Welcome to Episode two of Rocket Pants.”
-Introduce special guest, and co-hosts.
-Segway to block one. (Let Hunter go first)
Block 1:
What have you been playing?
Eric (Hunter) - Shovel Knight (PC), Final Fight 2 (SNES)
Chris - Rocket League (PC?), Gunstar Heroes (Genesis, emulated through PC)
Jon - Bomberman Quest (GBA), Pokemon Blue (Gameboy)
Alex - Steamworld Dig (Wii U - eshop), Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Crossroads of Time (SNES)
Block 2 - Casual Interview part 1:
Guest Chat- A bit more on the serious side. We’re going to give the platform to Hunter, and let him talk about what he has been up to since the closing of 1 More Castle, and what the future holds for him. All participate, and ask Hunter relevant questions.
Block 2.5- Special Guest Game Show
Homonym Game - Trivia questions about some things Hunter! Be ready! (Details to follow)
Hunter was victorious!
Music Break
Mystical Mist by RJ remixes
Original Game and Song: Battle 2 theme from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Block 3 - Casual Interview part 2:
Guest Chat- Game Making, Game Reviewing process, etc.
Block 3.5 - Special Guest Game Show!:
Which Game is Real?- The three hosts of podcast present the guest with a synopsis of a mobile or indie game. Only game is real, and the guest must determine which one is.
Chris’ Game- Candy Crush Saga 3D
Jon’s Game- Wee-Wee Kitty
Alex’s Game- Self-Flatue-lation
Another winner!
Block 4: What game did Jon think Spy Hunter was?
Hunter- Some kind of Anime dating sim
Chris- 007: Agent Under Fire
Alex- Spy vs. Spy
Misc: Don’t forget to plug this stuff at the end!
Shoutout-,, @erichunter
This is team Rocket Pants, blasting off.