Rock n' Roll Buffet
Latest Episodes
Episode 9: All is one
Sam Evian, Forth Wanderers, Scott Yoder, Drew Pelisek, Helena Deland, and Derek Ted.
Episode 8: Cowboy Bebop comfort pack
Summer Salt - One Last Time Michael Rault - I'll Be There Wellness - Fake Flowers Tram Cops- Why'd She Have To Leave
Episode 6: Pretzel Pocket Slacks
We're back! This week we talk about hiatus, working at the mall, and weird sopapillas
Episode 5: Townie Drinking in the Tub (Lauren Records)
This week we spend some time with Lauren Records and discuss our favorite spooky masks, share New Year's Resolutions, and confuse Michael Moore with Michael Myers. Suit up.
Episode 4: A Holiday Get Together
An episode where everyone is on location. One mic in the room and five guys talking at once. proceed with caution.
Episode 2: Choose Your Adventure
A recurring segment where our two main characters choose their path.
Episode 1: Dead Oceans
This week we picked some of our favorite songs from artists off of the record label Dead Oceans.