Latest Episodes

Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self-control
May 15, 2024

The Holy Spirit produces the fruit of faithfulness gentleness and self-control. It is a process as Christians we all must go through, but the fruit is well worth it.

Tremendous Insight
May 12, 2024

What is wisdom to you? We all need wisdom. Without wisdom the decisions and choices we make can and will destroy us. We need to know that we are in the hands of the Master and to learn to make wise choices to live a godly life.

Fix Your Eyes on Him
May 08, 2024

It is important that we keep our eyes open. Yet first we have to know what we are looking at. What are we focusing on? Are we distracted or are we walking the narrow path.

Guide & Provide
April 25, 2024

There is a great oppression facing this world. To a point where it seems like we are being overwhelmed. Yet God is faithful to save He is faithful to take our burdens, if we would just give it to Him. Then He can give us rest.

Find Your Faith
April 24, 2024

Faith is important, we cannot please God without it. Yet saying it and doing something with it are two different things. Build and increase your faith in God and just believe He can do it.

What Do You Need?
April 24, 2024

We need Jesus,we need God, we need the Holy Spirit. This world needs God. How much are you going after Him?

Life in the Spirit
April 24, 2024

Jesus left so that we could have the Comforter, the Teacher, the Power source of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We must walk in the Spirit or we will walk in the flesh.

April 21, 2024

We need the Holy Spirit. To have Him in our lives we to must be holy.

Watchful Servant
April 17, 2024

Be watching and expecting the Lord. To be ready for the return of Jesus. To remain steady and steadfast in the faith.

The Lord is Drawing Near
April 17, 2024

This is a time to repent. To be patient in prayer. Establish your hearts in the Lord, for He is drawing near.