Latest Episodes

Return To Prayer
October 27, 2024

This world and the pepeople in it need our prayers. Prayer is our connection to God. We need to pray more then ever before. Pray lije your life depends on it. For a praying church is a powerful church.

Don't Be Silent
October 27, 2024

Everybody has role to fill. We are messengers to share the word with this world. To listen and obey. For such a time as this, for us to stand for God.

Can't Curse Israel
October 15, 2024

Balaem cannot curse Israel. He was hired to curse Israel so they could be defeated. Yet he could only speak blessing's over them. Words have more power then we truly understand. We should use our words for life, not death.

Distributing Grace
October 15, 2024

Through Jesus we are blessed by grace. Unmerited favor from God. God is the only one that can provide grace. When we have that grace we can share it with others. Leading them to the same grace that saved us, so they can be saved too.

October 13, 2024

We are living in unstable times, on shaky ground. Jonah was called by God to tell the ninevites to repent or God would judge them. Yet Jonah didn't want to. He ran and got on a boat. That boat ran into a storm and alot of things got thrown overboard. Are

Am I Your Enemy?
October 13, 2024

The truth will set you free. But sometimes the truth will hurt to hear. God judges sin, so we must build patience and endurance to be free from sin. We all need conviction so we may repent. To ensure we walk and live in the promises of God.

Spiritual Development For Leadership
October 13, 2024

God prepared Joshua for leadership under Moses. He became spiritual disciplined. God does the same thing in our lives if we allow Him to.

Our Light Affliction
October 01, 2024

We are earthen vessels to show the treasure of Christ. Pressed down but not crushed. Cast down but not destroyed. Keep your focus on things above and not the things of this world.

Do You Remember?
October 01, 2024

Do you remember the great things that God has done. All the miracles from the Bible. Do you remember all God had done for you. The healings, the deliverance, the victory, the freedom. Take time and remember the great things God has done.

Faith or Fear
October 01, 2024

When situations rise up in life we have a choice to make. To see them through the lense of faith or in fear.