Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Health Care on the Road

June 17, 2015

Recently on Roadschool Moms Radio, we tackled the subject of Health Insurance on the Road.
If you are living in an RV or some other fashion on the road, health insurance is a common challenge in one form or another. With the recent changes in the health insurance laws, Affordable Care Act (ACA), the tangled web of information has transformed into an even greater beast of unanswered questions. Although the answers are complicated, there are really only a few options to this issue:

Do nothing. For those who opt to forgo health insurance, a form of self-pay for health care is the path chosen. Due to the landmark law created by Obamacare in 2014, Americans are required to have coverage or face a fee based on their income and number of people in the household. Exceptions to this rule may apply for those that ask for an exemption from the fine. For more information on the ACA, visit the government website at
Find a plan through the exchange. Depending on family size and income, it is possible to find a plan through the exchange of the ACA to qualify for federal subsidies or a tax credit for coverage purchased through a state-based marketplace. This is only possible during certain periods the government deems as open enrollment. For traveling families, the state of residency factors into this scenario. This is where an insurance professional comes into the picture. An online visit to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners might answer some of your questions. A call to Kyle Henson over at RVer Health Insurance (866-591-4909) would be another great resource of information. He can provide all the information needed to navigate through the public and private marketplace available through the ACA exchange.
Find a plan through a Christian ministry sharing network. There are four (4) major health care sharing ministries currently operating in the United States: Samaritan Ministries, Medi-Share, Christian Healthcare Ministries, and Liberty Healthshare. Each varies slightly in how it operates while sharing the same parameters. These companies are nonprofit entities with budgets for the administration to provide services to Christians who contribute to a general fund that shares in each other's medical bills. Health care sharing ministries are an ever-growing option in the health insurance field. Again, answers to all the important questions regarding this avenue for handling health care costs while on the road can be found through research beginning with RVer Health Insurance.

Surprisingly, a recent poll of Fulltime Families revealed that more than 50% of those who responded are receiving health care coverage through an employer. Only about 13% are covered by a personal policy, a sharing ministry plan, or are self-insured/uninsured. Less than 2% of the polled Americans had opted for coverage through the federal or state health care plans. In a time when health care costs and the insurance coverage that can pay for them are ever-changing, it is important to have a expert translate the information into language that can be understood. Those who factor in a nomadic life on the road have unique circumstances and are better served with a professional that understands the lifestyle.

For more information on the options afforded to Americans who are seeking health care coverage while living on the road, check out the latest iTunes podcast from Roadschool Moms hosted by the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network.

-Written by Mary Beth Goff, author and creator of Road Trip Teacher, a full-time traveling mom to four kids and a small zoo who chronicles their travels over at Diary of a Road Mom.