Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Roadschool Plans for Next Year

September 04, 2017

Roadschool plans for next year is the hot topic for Episode #143 from the Roadschool Moms team. Kimberly Travaglino, co-founder of Fulltime Families,  broadcasts live from on location along the banks of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Across the country, Mary Beth Goff, the Road Trip Teacher calls in from Cahokia RV Parque near St. Louis, MO. 
The over the road duo reflects on last week's Great American Eclipse 2017 and recaps upcoming events for the rest of the year. KT is the first to reveal her roadschool plans for the next year. While she has considered many shiny new avenues of curricula options, she decides the time is right for TJEd (Thomas Jefferson Education,) a curriculum that she has had her eye on for a few years. Timing is everything and this year the Travs will be using Tjed to guide their upcoming learning adventures. KT points out this method of homeschooling is a classical one. It employs leadership skills and other key foundations for an education rich in history and other key elementars to this philosophy.  In addition, lesson plans in KT's rig this coming year also include Mystery Science and Saxton Math.

Next up is the roadschool plans for MB's crew. Morning Time will play a big role in the Road Trip Teacher's school day for the upcoming roadschool year. Plans are mapped out for bible, character building, geography, music, art, and foreign language. The rest of the roadschool day in this rolling homeschool will be customized to each kiddo. The highschooler will be using Exploring America for 4 full credit this year covering history, geography, bible, and American literature. Teaching Texbooks will be used for Algebra 2 while science will be covered with the Experience Astronomy course that was highlighted in an earlier Roadschool Moms podcast. On an elective note, this roadschooler is building a business plan for a t-shirt design business that will receive a full credit after its completion (that includes a semester's worth of economics from Notgrass History.) Two middle schoolers in this rig will follow a similar schedule using America the Beautiful in its full capacity for the study of history, geography, bible, and American literature. Teaching Textbooks will be used for math and the Apologia Creation series for science. The Road Trip Teacher is a big fan of Evan Moor and will use different workbooks to focus on certain areas specific to each student. The third grader on the Roadschool 101 crew will be using  Time4Learning for much of next year's lessons plans. She uses interactive notebooks and notebooking binders for each of those elementary subjects.
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