Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Creating Your Location Independent Dream Job - Part 1

July 06, 2014

Have you been dreaming of full time travel, or just working for yourself, but haven’t been able to answer the “Money†Question yet?

Do you hear that??? That’s opportunity knocking – are you going to answer?

Roadschool Moms Radio is introducing a brand new series, “Creating Your Location Independent Dream Job†to answer all the questions you have about how to start your own online business.

No get rich quick schemes here, just solid information about:

  • how to create a job that will allow you to live the life of your dreams
  • how to create a job where you’re the boss
  • how to create a job that fits into your life – as opposed to fitting your life around a job
  • how to work for yourself
  • how to support your family, while still having time to enjoy them

People pay hundreds of dollars for this information, but the Roadschool Moms (two self employed ladies, who’ve been there, done that and have over 20 years of Dream Job Creation between them) will be sharing this information with you for free every First Sunday of the Month.

All you have to do is Click Play!

Are you going to keep making excuses about why you’re in a job you don’t enjoy, are you going to put off your dreams for yet another year, or are you finally going to start on the path to your own business.  A business where you call the shots.  A business that allows you the flexibility you deserve.

All you have to do is click play on this episode and we’ll give you the tools and tips you need to get started.  We’ll share with you the successes and the mistakes (so you can skip those) and clue you in to what really works and what’s a waste of time and money.

Then, Join us Every first Sunday of the month and start creating the life you have envisioned and be sure to sign up to receive the exercises we discuss in the show.