Riverton Local Ladies

Latest Episodes
Local Ladies #23: Rebecca Adams, Bring Our Troops Home
Riverton Local Ladies host Bethany Baldes chats with Boise’s Rebecca Adams. Adams works with Bring Our Troops Home and a variety of military spouse groups in Idaho. Rebecca tells stories of the difficulties that military members,
Local Ladies #22: Val Leseberg and Sammi Buzzard
Bethany Baldes is joined by Val Leseberg and Sammi Buzzard in the Porters 10Cast Studio. Together, they chat about New Year’s resolutions, health and fitness goals, and mental well-being. To follow more from Bethany and Riverton Local Ladies,
Local Ladies #21: Dallin and Caitee Cooper, Atmosphere Marketing
Host Bethany Baldes chats with web marketing duo Dallin and Caitee Cooper. The Riverton couple created a small business to help with search engine optimization, web design, marketing, and more. They also collaborated with County10.
Local Ladies Call To Action #2: Pamela Canham, Paws For Life Animal League
Bethany’s back with an all-new Call To Action episode! Baldes and this month’s co-host, Kaya Reed, visit with Pamela Canham from Paws For Life Animal League in Riverton. They chat about how residents can help Paws, local pets,
Local Ladies #20: Sarah Newberry, Founder Central Wyoming Aviary
Riverton Local Ladies host Bethany Baldes chats with Sarah Newberry. Newberry founded the Central Wyoming Aviary A 501c3 avian rescue. They have rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of parrots thanks to the volunteers, fosters,
Local Ladies #19: Val Leseberg, Rise of the Phoenix
Val Leseberg, creator of Rise of the Phoenix, joins Bethany Baldes in the Porters 10Cast Studio this week. Rise of the Phoniex is is a new Riverton non-profit which aims to directly give funds to local teachers for classroom supplies.
Local Ladies #18: Christine Stenquist, Brain Tumor Survivor and Medical Marijuana Supporter
Christine Stenquist is a brain tumor survivor. After failed therapies, chronic pain, and suffering, she began to investigate medical marijuana as an alternative to opioid-based prescriptions. Now, Stenquist travels the country to share her story and su...
Local Ladies #17: Lincoln Chafee, 2020 United States Presidential hopeful & former Rhode Island Governor/Senator
Lincoln Chafee is one of Wyoming’s newest residents. He was Mayor of Warwick, Rhode Island from 1993 to 1999, a United States Senator from 1999 to 2007 and in 2011 was elected as the 74th Governor of Rhode Island.
Local Ladies #16: Cameron Fehring, Riverton Holiday Festival
Riverton Local Ladies host Bethany Baldes chats with Cameron Fehring. Fehring is organizing Riverton’s first ever Holiday Festival. Cameron shares details on upcoming holiday events, how you can get involved,
Local Ladies Call To Action #1: Jennifer and Charlie Wilson, Soldiers House of Fremont County
Local Ladies host Bethany Baldes chats with Jennifer and Charlie Wilson about Soldiers House of Fremont County. The show debuts Bethany’s new feature called “Call To Action” which highlights a local nonprofit, charity,