River Cities Reader Podcast

River Cities Reader Podcast

May 9, 2024, Pat Jones and Todd McGreevy Talk Photo Contests, Band Brands, and A Year of Living Precariously

May 27, 2024

River Cities’ Reader publisher Todd McGreevy talks with WQUD Morning Show host Pat Jones, who’s taken over the spot from GM Aaron Dail, re recent highlights, both online and within Issue N° 1021. These include the Reader‘s entries for its Spring 2024 Photo Contest (with the winning entry, Kevin Richard Schafer’s “Secret,” as well as the image you see before you) and articles by Kathleen McCarthy (Scott County Appointments to Elected Offices Keep Records Secret and Not Transparent), Rochelle Arnold (Carbon Wolves Pause, For Now), and Ezra Sidran PhD (What We Know Now a Year After the 324 Main Street Disaster). Transparency is the issue’s theme, in particular the QCA’s perennial observance of it in the breach. Forthcoming regional events include the May 28 show by Chicago, a band that’s been together for nearly sixty years and would likely continue for another sixty, were humans not such frail animals, vulnerable at last to the ravages of age. (Jones mentions how his brother would break out the latest Chicago album every time he broke up with his high-school girlfriend — leaving one to ask, How many girlfriends did he have, really? Because Chicago had an album for every year of the Seventies and every other year of the Eighties. That seems to be the window, anyway.) McGreevy also boldfaces Bruce Walters’s Buried Stories: Louie Bellson (1924-2009) as a recommended feature, as local history shot through the lens of gravesites retains a certain evergreen fascination. Walters, who has contributed essays and illustrations for many years, will submit his final work for the Reader, as he is at work on a book — props, Bruce, and thanks for the memories. . .