The Ritz Report

Latest Episodes
Hunter BiteMe verdict, Lawfare, Look at me! No! Dont look!
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Remembering D-Day, JoeBiteMe, Stupid Actors, COVID vax kills?
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Trump Trial jury-day 2, Dr Jill BiteMe on The View, living as a dog – woof
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Trump trial, Chicago and dumb leaders, gaslighting in the UK, Biden admin tryouts
Hey folks, thanks for listening. Please give me 5 stars and share this podcast with a friend! Sharing is caring =) Ritz out
Trump/BiteMe speech contrast, Climate change is homophobic, ice cream hatred on the rise
Thanks for listening please give me 5 stars and share the podcast with a friend. Have a great weekend and God bless America. =)
Global Warming, Pfizer says Sorry =( , red states rock
hey all, Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with a friend. Sharing is caring. =) Ritz out!
European Central Bank Loser, Terrorist Truckers and COVID fallout
Only the most interesting topics for all my great listeners. Thanks for checking out the podcast please share and leave a review =)
Idiot Parade
Today we celebrate the idiots that lead us so we can be depressed all weekend. Thanks for listening. please share with a friend and give me 5 stars. enjoy! =)
Prepare your Kids for Whats Coming
Its not a matter of if, its just a matter of when. Your kids will be subjected to a barrage of left wing idiocy and failed ideas. They need to be prepared for the onslaught and need to know what they
The President of Yale is clueless or a liar
The president of Yale release a statement to the students of Yale calling for civility and open dialog. Has he not been paying attention for the past 20 years or is he a liar? You be the judge. Thanks