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RISK CHAT: Alex Sidorenko talks to Gareth Byatt
Gareth Byatt talks to Alex Sidorenko about decision making, risk management and cognitive biases
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A large part of risk management success depends on the support and commitment from executives, Board members and key stakeholders.
Join forces with the managers responsible for other areas of performance improvement
Risk managers should build relationships and join forces with the other managers responsible for performance improvement initiatives, like lean management, quality, safety, environment, security, internal audit or others
Reinforce the "no blame" culture
Encourage people to share information about risks by reaching out to them and by visiting their workplace regularly
Promote risk management within and outside the company
Risk managers need to learn to be proud of their contribution to the overall success of the company.
Consider establishing a Risk Management Committee at the management level or extend the mandate of the existing management committee
Most of the risk managers we have interviewed agreed that having a management level Risk Management Committee has a significant positive effect on the overall risk management culture.
Include risk items on Board’s agenda
It is recommended to discuss risks associated with each decision instead of having risk management as a separate agenda item. After all items on Board’s agenda are risk items.
Document risk appetite for different types of decisions
After all, risk appetite is just a tool to help management make decisions and be transparent to stakeholders when making these decisions.
Develop a high-level Risk Management Policy
Risk management is useful document to communicate with external stakeholders such as banks, investors, auditors, regulators, key customers and suppliers.
Assess the effect of uncertainty on strategic objectives (part 4)