The Rise Queen Podcast

Rise Queen Podcast- Ep.3 : How to live life to your fullest potential
Ideally, we all want to live life to our fullest potential. Some of us simply don't believe we can or are not willing to do the work it takes. In today's episode I break down the 3 major keys that will help you live your best life and maximize your potential.
The major keys discussed include:
Elevate- You must elevate your mindset. Your thoughts become actions and will manifest into what is your reality. Identify toxic thoughts that limit your potential and sabotage your success. Be aware of your thinking and words that you speak daily. It is a myth that we only use 10% or so of our brain power. The way our brain works is that is has to be challenged with new things in order to grow.
Passion- Passion starts with building a deeper relationship with yourself. If you need help identifying your purpose, ask your self:
* What things/issues in the world do I feel strongly about?
* What makes me tick?
* What do I love to do and maybe slightly obsessed with?
Purpose- Why were you created? Everyone was created as apart of a divine plan. Your purpose is something greater than yourself. Our purpose comes directly from God and being connected spiritually. You must believe you are here for a reason. Purpose can be a hint from what your naturally passionate about.Tapping into these areas requires a deeper level of thinking and spiritual connection. This is a process and a journey. Enjoy your journey to living life to the fullest potential.
Stay connected! IG & Twitter: @rise_queen Facebook: @risequeen1