Rise and Thrive Show

Rise and Thrive Show

15-minutes of Shame – discussing a new documentary

October 14, 2021

Mary and Erin respond to the new documentary film “15 Minutes of Shame” from Executive Producer Monica Lewinsky and Director Max Joseph.

We watched this excellent new 90-minute film (now streaming on HBO Max) and discuss some of the issues brought to light including public shaming, how shame affects people, call-out vs calling-in with love, and how to heal shame through... forgiveness.    

Here’s the poem Mary shares:

“He drew a circle that shut me out -

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But love and I had the wit to win:

We drew a circle and took him in!”

― Edwin Markham,  "Outwitted"

 Mary Hayes Grieco is a forgiveness coach and the author of Unconditional Forgiveness, A Simple and Proven Method to Forgive Everyone and Everything, published by Simon and Schuster.

Learn more about Mary’s forgiveness method “8 Steps to Freedom” here: https://www.forgivenesstraining.com/

Prof. Loretta J. Ross’s TED Talk: “Don't call people out -- call them in" is here.

15 Minutes of Shame documentary on HBO Max – Directed by Max Joseph & Exec. Prod Monica Lewinsky is here.
