Riot Podcast

Riot Podcast

End Times - Prophecy Invasion of Israel

March 18, 2021

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The R.I.O.T. Podcast aka “Righteous Invasion Of Truth” is a Fun Loving upbeat weekly Christian Podcast. This powerful Podcast will boost your day and spiritual growth with relevant conversations on today’s hot topics. Practical discussion on how to share your faith, how to see the news from God’s eyes, and how to answer your Faith’s hardest questions.
Thanks for joining us this week on the RIOT Podcast, the guys continue speaking on Prophecy and End Times as they go through a book called “End Times in Chronological Order” by Ron Rhodes. Today the guys will be discussing what happens with the Invasion of Israel,
We believe that after the church has been rapture there is a significant time that takes place before the Tribulation begins. During that time we believe there is an attack on Israel that happens and today we will discuss why we believe this. To be clear this attack is not the final battle of Armageddon. What has to be in place before the attack? Israel will feel secure and semi-safe- Ezekiel 38:8 says Israel will dwell securely in their nation.
Once they feel secure, Israel will be invaded by a Northern Military Coalition; we find this evidence in the book of Ezekiel chapters 38-39.
Ezekiel 38:18-19 mentions God’s wrath and anger toward the northern military and the words used to express the intensity of God’s vengeance against them.
So how did God and Israel Defeat them?

1. An earthquake – Ezekiel 38:19-20 says “the mountains shall be thrown down and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. Many will die here.”

2. Infighting– Ezekiel 38:21- Says that everyman’s sword will be against his brother ( John Walvoord said- In the pandemonium, communication between the invading armies will break down and they will begin attacking each other. Confusion of language

3. Disease– Ezekiel 38:22 The earthquake, infighting will leave countless dead. Roads closed, destruction all around and lack of medical help can cause this.

4. Torrential rain, hailstones, fire and burning sulfer– Ezekiel 38:22

There are 4 reasons why we feel this invasion takes place after the rapture and before tribulation begins–

1. The world will likely be in a state of Chaos following the rapture of the church. This will have a huge effect on the US. We believe this is when Russia and its Muslim allies may attack Israel.

2. Once God Destroys Russia and Muslim invaders, this opens the door for the rise of the antichrist.

3. Now that the Muslim invaders are destroyed before the tribulation begins, the antichrist can easily sign a peace treaty with Israel (Daniel 9:27)

4. Now that Muslim invaders are defeated the Jewish temple can be built in peace.
Now that the northern military is defeated this now sets up perfectly the rise of the Antichrist, the next show we will talk about that.

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