Riot Podcast

The Day After Christmas: Now What? | RIOT Podcast
The Day After Christmas: Now What? is the topic that will be discussed today on RIOT Podcast, a Christian Discipleship Podcast.
In what ways does reflecting on Jesus’ life, beyond His birth, help us navigate challenges and find purpose in the new year?
Christmas Day has come and gone, but what about the day after? For many, it’s a time of returning to routine, tidying up, or reflecting on the season’s memories. But for Christians, it’s an opportunity to shift our focus from just the birth of Jesus to His life, work, and mission.
In today’s episode, we explore how to carry the spirit of Christmas into the new year. From meditating on the life of Christ—His humility, servanthood, and sacrifice—to grounding our daily struggles in God’s promises, we discuss practical ways to keep Christ at the center of our lives beyond December 25.