RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

Ep. 100: Celebrating Comics, Creativity and Centennials

May 25, 2015

Its crazy to think that we actually got this far. I don't think I've managed to keep a single hobby of mine really going this far, this consistently for so long. Its really a testament to the people around me more than anything. What I've discovered over the last 100 weeks is that we are doing more than just recording nonsense into a microphone, we are documenting. It may not be the most interesting of documentaries, it's not hard hitting journalism or fact finding missions of justice, but it is us. In some way, we have been able to encapsulate ourselves in this moment and that is something that honestly, I wouldn't trade for anything. I have celebrated holidays, birthdays, life changes, moves, even a new baby all while recording this show and I wouldn't trade that hour a week that I get to sit down and ramble for anything. Thank you is not enough to say to my weekly therapists and confidants, Rashaan and Ian, for listening to the nonsense that comes pouring out of my face, for filling my head with all kinds of equally ridiculous nonsense (even though they don't think they are being ridiculous) and for coming every single week to sit around a table and hash out life with me. We have done some really cool stuff in the last 100 episodes and I am truly thankful for every last one of them... but let me tell you a secret, the next 100, are going to be INSANE. We have built a great foundation and as we cross the centennial mark, we are just getting started, cause this century of shows is where we hit 88mph folks. So stick around, cause you are gonna like what you hear. As for our Centennial Celebration, we have a crazy show for you! It all starts with an intro specially made by our friends Tom and Ant over at Anywhere But Here (abhpod.com), we get into some things that have been going on in my world lately, cause I didn't want to throw them on a bonus pod, and then its off to Starport Comic Book Store to regale you with tales of a novel, a game, a dad joke and a stormtrooper, not too mention a special appearance by none other than the talented artist Matt Slay (who we are stalking). Thanks again for sticking around for 100 episodes and if you are just joining us, thanks! Make sure you check out the social links below!