Rightsize Your Home Podcast

5 Top Tips - A Downsizing Experts guide to House Hunting for Seniors
Ah - the “dreaded downsize” I hear you say!
Alas, not true, your downsize turns out just fine in the long run, I promise you and so do dozens of other downsizers that I’ve worked with over the years.
Here are my top tips for downsize house hunting, I suggest you sit down with a trusted loved one and seriously discuss this list.
Tip 1 - Know where
This means in which geographical area, not specifics. This will determine numbers 2 and 3, who and what you want to be near to. Research it properly and also ensure you give this information to your buyer's agent, so they have all the correct information and won’t waste yours and their time.
Tip 2 - Know who want to be near to i.e. your friends/family (or an airport)
As we get older, we know our children want to move around and often our friends start selling and moving too! Things really do change as you get older, the street, then neighbours and local facilities all change, so you may need to re-think things!
Tip 3 - Know what services you want to access to
Services are critical too, think about your next phase and make sure you research and prepare well for this and the next phase. No one likes moving again that is for sure!
Tip 4 - Know the type of property you want to live in
I’ve got a great guide in my book that was drawn from an expert in his field Rich Harvey, CEO of property buyer.com.au, a business like theirs will assist you to fill them out and even get the whole process done for you. In order to do this process well, however, you really need to sit down with that trusted loved one and seriously discuss the list.
(refer to Buyer Wishlist found in page 96 of my book Rightsize Your Home: The Empty Nester's Guide to a Stress-Free Downsize)
Tip 5 - Don't worry about the exact suburb necessarily - let a buyer's agent do all the work!
Downsizing and the process of house hunting when you’re downsizing is a stressful occupation! I hope you enjoyed this short top tips list and it encouraged you to have a good think and have that ‘serious conversation' I referred to! To find out more visit www.rightsizeyourhome.com.au, and in the book as well as the courses you’ll gain access to those helpful tips and checklists to get you in control of the downsize.
Shifting Your Mindset
Understanding The RIGHT TIME, Moving Roadblocks, And How To Be READY For Your DOWNSIZE
This online course for empty nesters is designed as the first step of a 3-part program focusing on improving your mindset and can be completed independently or as a pre-requisite to Part 2 and Part 3 for the full ‘Rightsize Your Home’ program.
Rightsize Your Home Online Course Part 1: Shifting Your Mindset will help you understand where you are currently at and help you move through any overwhelming thoughts that may be stopping you from moving forward. Also, you will begin to plan and feel more excited about your next chapter!
We invite you to try this online course, click below now.