Rightsize Your Home Podcast

5 Key Retirement Planning Steps to Take
Thinking about retirement should be fun, and my advice is to start thinking about it as early as possible!
Everyone has different retirement ideas and there are many things to have ideas about. If you spoke with 20 people, they would all have completely different ideas about how and where to retire to, downsizing goals, and what they want to achieve.
Retirement strategy and retirement planning, in general, is the essential component of success. It is also the key to a successful downsize.
Essentially a great retirement strategy houses retirement ideas, retirement goals and ultimately, underpins how you retire and the downsizing plan.
A great retirement strategy needs to be designed early on with the assistance of well-practised retirement experts. There are many parts that fit into a strategy, ie;
the financial aspect,
personal well being,
where you live - just a general thought, not specific at this stage,
where your friends and family live,
how near or far you want to be from them,
available transport,
medical and
the retirement housing of your choice
and of course much much more.
Your retirement goals determine all of this! Use the list above as a Q&A for discussion with your loved one, write them out and discuss them now, no matter how old you are! With all of these goals in place, this will formulate the strategy and what you want to accomplish.
To read more about the professionals and the order in which to organise these discussions, you can read more in my book .
Tune into the first part of the course which will help you wrap your mind around these goals and help you understand if there are any roadblocks in formulating your retirement and downsizing goals.
Shifting Your Mindset
Understanding The RIGHT TIME, Moving Roadblocks, And How To Be READY For Your DOWNSIZE
This online course for empty nesters is designed as the first step of a 3-part program focusing on improving your mindset and can be completed independently or as a pre-requisite to Part 2 and Part 3 for the full ‘Rightsize Your Home’ program.
Rightsize Your Home Online Course Part 1: Shifting Your Mindset will help you understand where you are currently at and help you move through any overwhelming thoughts that may be stopping you from moving forward. Also, you will begin to plan and feel more excited about your next chapter!
We invite you to try this online course, click below now.