Rightsize Your Home Podcast

5 Tips to Help Senior Couples Downsize Together
Downsizing Dilemma: "My partner doesn't want to downsize."
With over a decade of experience as a Property Makeover and Change Specialist, Belinda has spent many years helping transform homes and lives. You will find all aspects of Downsizing covered by Belinda in this workshop, “5 Tips to Help Senior Couples Downsize Together” including Q&A asked by seniors in a friendly, relaxed environment, your home! This online workshop is FREE.
Common Downsizing Issues by Senior Couples
* One does, one doesn't
* One is overwhelmed, one wants to get on
* Mismatch of end state desires
* Reluctance to 'end an era'
* Too hard a job
* Don't know where to go
* One links the process to losing control
* All these years upsizing, don't capsize
Downsizing Mindset as a Couple
* What is your couple? This can be a mother-daughter team
* Align goals
* This is a combined and shared effort
* You are in this together
* Share the vision
* Set the combined path
When Downsizing, Plan Ahead Together
* Fundamental of change management is stakeholder engagement
* Setting plan means 'hearing' each other
* Mutually accepted terms
* When in doubt, refer back to the 5 Top Tips to Help Senior Couples Downsize Together
Missed the previous workshop?
Watch or Listen to How to Sell Things You Don't Need When Decluttering from the Family Home
Shifting Your Mindset Course
Part 1: Shifting Your Mindset - Understanding The Right Time, Moving Roadblocks and How to be Ready for Your Downsize
This course is designed as the first step of a 3-part program focusing on improving your mindset and can be completed independently or as a pre-requisite to Part 2 and Part 3 for the full 'Rightsize Your Home' program.
Rightsize Your Home Part 1: Shifting Your Mindset will help you understand where you are currently at and help you move through any overwhelming thoughts that may be stopping you from moving forward. You will also begin to plan and feel more excited about your next chapter!
We invite you to try this course, click below now.
Register here to try the Sample Module