Rightsize Your Home Podcast

Declutter Challenge 4: The Doing and Resources – Decluttering Action Plan
With over a decade of experience as a Property Makeover and Change Specialist, Belinda has spent many years helping transform homes and lives. You will find all aspects of Downsizing and Decluttering covered by Belinda in this podcast, "Declutter Challenge 4 : The Doing and Resources - Decluttering Action Plan" including Q&A asked by seniors in a friendly, relaxed environment, your home!
Declutter Challenge Recap
* Make the Decision
* Set Aside Time and Ask for Support
* Rostering and Rewards
What is the 5-Step Decluttering Action Plan?
This 5-step decluttering action plan is to make sure that all of these actions are going into manageable chunks which is easy to tick off.
* Label 5 boxes (Keep, Toss, Sell or Charity Donation, Fix or Return to Owner, Gift to Family or a Friend). Have these ready for Step 2.
* Remove all items from the area or room (where possible)
* Box items that are not needed
* Redistributing
* Assess the room
To ensure that the 5-step decluttering action plan will really work, I want you to question every single item, "How much do I love you?"
The Doing and the Resources
There are 2 resources you will need to accomplish the declutter challenge:
* Emotional resources - You have 3 words to remember: Motivation, Rewards and Why.
* Physical resources - checklist of items, your support team and 3rd parties
You have to include the resources above to get you to finish the Declutter Challenge and don't forget to include your 5-step decluttering action plan.
Present Your Property - Make it Shine!
Some questions to help you get started in improving the look and feel of your property after the declutter challenge:
* Where can you start to add value to your property?
* How can you add value to your property in a cost-effective way?
Top Tips & Rightsize Your Home Framework
* Mindset - your emotional resources backed up by your physical resources
* Make it your goal to finish the Declutter Challenge including the 5-step Decluttering Action Plan
* Present your property - make it shine!
Missed the Previous Workshop?
Watch or Listen to Declutter Challenge 3: Roster & Rewards
Rightsize Your Home Online Course
Part 2: The Declutter Challenge – Planning and Getting ‘Stuck In’ to Your Family Home Declutter
Are you feeling overwhelmed about the task ahead? Sorting through your things can stir up mixed emotions from the past and you may not feel ready to ‘let go’.
Rightsize Your Home Part 2: The Declutter Challenge helps future downsizers you learn how to move through the process in the right manner, so you can get the job done. This course will show the way with clear, straight forward steps.
As you make progress, you will begin to notice how much better you feel. This is the ultimate motivator to keep you going!
Register and Try the Sample Module to Get a Free Decluttering Handy Checklist