Ride Every Stride | Horsemanship and Personal Growth with Van Hargis

Ride Every Stride | Horsemanship and Personal Growth with Van Hargis

Nothing Beyond the Basics; Control of Forward Motion-Directional & Speed (Part 4)

May 20, 2020

Last episode we continued a new series titled Nothing Beyond the Basics and spoke about forward motion and the control of forward motion as we talked about establishing aworking relationship by working on speed control.

Today we will focus on the control of forward movement by focusing on directional control.

Directional Control- left and right and turns. Turns or change of directions using turns. Inside turns and outside turns. I personally prefer outside turns initially. Why? Preparing for what comes next and having faith that what in my opinion too many focus on; hooking on or joining up or whatever term you want to put on it. Not that it’s not important it’s just not on my priority list in front of preparing for where I’m going to be, in the saddle. Eye to eye transitions better prepare a horse for a rider to be behind them. As I work on these things and the other important priorities the horse soon craves the hooking on... it just happens anyway. It’s not something I have to work on. I have faith it will come. I know it will come.

Next episode we will discuss more about speed control and preparing the horse for further success
