RIA Edge

RIA Edge

The RIA Edge Podcast: One-on-One with AlTi CEO Michael Tiedemann

March 07, 2023

The RIA Edge Podcast: One-on-One with AlTi CEO Michael Tiedemann

At the start of 2023, Michael Tiedemann and his namesake wealth and asset management firm – Tiedemann Advisors – completed one of the largest and most unique mergers to-date in the wealth management industry. Tiedemann combined his firm with Alvarium Investments and the Cartesian Growth Corp., a Special Purpose Acquisition Company, to form Alvarium Tiedemann, or AlTi, a publicly traded firm with more than $60 billion in AUM and one of the largest publicly traded wealth managers on the globe. 

In this episode of the RIA Edge podcast, Tiedemann goes behind the deal with Mark Bruno, Managing Director of the Informa Wealth Management Group, to discuss the strategy and vision behind the deal. Specifically, Mark and Mike discuss:

  • The growth opportunities public markets present to AlTi, given its position as both a wealth and asset management company
  • How AlTi is evaluating growth opportunities moving forward, both through M&A and organic growth strategies
  • How AlTi defines “quality growth” and assigns value across the wealth management market
  • The role technology can play in creating scale and unlocking new growth opportunities


 RIA Edge Podcast

Connect With Mark Bruno:

Connect With Michael Tiedemann and Alavarium Tiedemann: