35: Hanafuda Captain Here!

January 19, 2017

100 Days Without the App Store - Kapeli Blog
RGBA 23: Feel the Burn
RGBA 24: My Phone Kinda Burns

Consumer Reports Now Recommends MacBook Pros - Consumer Reports

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2016 Results
Developer Survey 2017

Show Notes

This iPhone Is 10 Years Old and It Still Works!

Steve Jobs Unveils The Original iPhone - Macworld San Francisco 2007 - YouTube

How the world reacted to the first iPhone 10 years ago

Chris Lattner's Resume
[swift-evolution] Update on the Swift Project Lead
Welcome Chris Lattner – Tesla Canada

Podcast Search
Apps - David Smith
Under the Radar - Relay FM

Nintendo Switch, All the Juicy Details

The NES Classic Edition Got Hacked!

Hackers Discover Secret Message Hidden in the NES Classic Mini Code – The Daily Dot

App.net Is Shutting Down

Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing by Manton Reece —Kickstarter

Razer Announces the First 3-Screen Laptop, Project Valerie


Awesome theme song by Jim Kulakowski

Feedback, comments very welcomed! http://rgba.fm/contact.