The Real Dish

The Real Dish

Latest Episodes

EP 104 - Making a 3x Ms. Olympia Champion- Behind the physique and mindset of Andrea Shaw
February 09, 2023

Sometimes when you meet someone, you feel like you've known them your whole life. Well, that's what it was like for me to meet Andrea Shaw. Known to her friends and now to me as Draya. What impressed

EP 103 - 7 Hacks to Help You Get in the Best Shape (and not one is about exercise)
January 24, 2023

What do we do to help us get to the place that we're going? So I'm gonna talk today about seven habits that we can all take on this year that will help us get to that place. And let me start by saying

EP 102 - The Perfect 10: A bite-sized mashup of the last 10 episodes
November 30, 2022

Were taking you back to the highlights of the last 10 episodes of Recipes For Your Best Life so you can get a flavor of each one and hopefully, go back and listen to all of them. From the benefits o

EP 101- Happiness U: How your mindset can make you happier
November 07, 2022

The pursuit of happiness. I mean what is it about some people that you meet, that just every time youre around them they just radiate joy and happiness where some of us just have a really hard time f

EP 100 - Flexing with White House Chef Andre Rush
October 25, 2022

It's episode 100. How exciting is this, man? It's been a journey over the last couple of years to get here. But I am so thrilled that we made it, and along the way, I've gotten the chance to interview

EP 99 - Fittest ever at 53: Why I did my first NPC bikini competition at this age
October 11, 2022

This is episode 99. That means that I've had a lot of really amazing people that I've interviewed and a lot of my own things to share about health and wellness, and this episode is very personal to me

EP 98 - Hashimoto's disease: How to have a healthy thyroid
September 23, 2022

According to John Hopkins website, about 3% of the population has an autoimmune disease, Hashimotos being the leading one. Our guest Missy Beavers is raising awareness about thyroid symptoms that are

EP 97 - Never Binge Again - How to break out of the prison of overeating
July 26, 2022

Why are overeating stress eating and binge eating so prevalent in our culture today? That is exactly what we're about to break down. Dr. Glenn Livingston is a Ph.D., veteran psychologist, and was the

EP 96 -Fit and FAB over 50 - The keys to getting that killer physique with Melissa Neill
July 08, 2022

Absolutely ripped in a bikini and having that great muscle definition even at the age of 50, Melissa Neil really breaks it down, while her professional background is in PR in communications. She becam

EP 95 - A Longer, Better Life by Fasting - Mimicking with Dr. Joseph Antoun
June 28, 2022

Hi, Im Mareya otherwise known as The Fit Foodie. Im a chef, holistic nutritionist, author, inventor and mom. And I want to welcome you to my podcast. Its called Recipes for Your Best Life and with