Rewired Radio

Rewired Radio

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What is Hypnotherapy & How Can it Help Addicts?
September 11, 2015

How can hypnotherapy help addicts on the path to recovery and wellness?Peter Bedard has extensive training in hypnotherapy and maintains a thriving private practice where he works with clients who want to overcome chronic pain. This segment explores how h

How Dying Saved My Life
September 11, 2015

After a decade of debilitating physical and emotional suffering, Peter Bedard uncovered an empowered, new way of healing chronic pain.One night, seventeen-year-old dancer Peter Bedard died in a traffic accident. The white-bearded messenger waiting at the

Understanding Teens & Technology Addiction
September 11, 2015

There is a noticeable generational divide between those who grew up using technology and those who have had to learn how to incorporate it into their lives.There is a noticeable generational divide between those who grew up using technology and those who

Beating the Odds: Resiliency in Adolescents & Young Adults
September 11, 2015

What specific factors help at-risk youth beat the odds of addiction?Much is known about the obstacles faced by at-risk adolescents, particularly those who use alcohol and drugs. Less is known about factors that may contribute to their ability to emerge in
