Rewired Radio

Rewired Radio

Using The Evidence Technique for Change & Growth

November 20, 2015

The Evidence Technique is a simple way to bring about the most important changes you’re looking to make in life.One of the most important parts of making a true change in your life is to rewire and recreate your neural pathways.  Once you do that, the changes become a true part of who you are and how you are wired.  Guest, Carrie Freeman, has written the book, Good Evidence, that introduces The Evidence Technique — a simple way to bring about the most important changes you’re looking to make in life. The Evidence Technique fuels change by helping you document the many moments when you have changed, which in turn makes you realize you have the capacity and potential to change again.  Carrie explains The Evidence Technique and shares practical tips on how you can incorporate it into your own life.