Rewired Radio

Rewired Radio

Crowning Achievement: Former Miss California on Family & Inspiration

October 09, 2015

London Becs shares her personal recovery journey and how she's helping others who are working towards recovery.When London Becs stood on stage as a contestant in the Miss California USA pageant, she was asked a seemingly simple question, “Who is your greatest inspiration?” Her answer to this question captivated the judges and captured the hearts of the audience.  London’s greatest inspiration is her sister, who has Down Syndrome and was diagnosed with cancer at a young age.  London’s sister and family are a big reason why London found the determination and strength she needed to take the first step on her journey to sobriety.  She joins Rewired Radio host, Erica Spiegelman, to talk about the importance of having this inspiration... not only for her personal recovery journey, but for her professional work helping others who are working towards recovery.