Taylor Marek Podcast
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Twitter Updates for 2009-03-01
Must pop out for a bit, but I will be back! # Ah, but @
Twitter Updates for 2009-02-28
Want a video that you will die laughing @? http://tinyurl.com/5yqcx4 @JenChicago knows that for a fact
Twitter Updates for 2009-02-28
Haha, my mind has been wandering all day. I think I’ll let it drift for a while….. # Ok, I’m going to try something new out at my site. This may or may n
On the End of the Podcast Peer Awards
Yes, it is true. The Podcast Peer Awards has come to an end. I’m separating my podcasting posts from my financial/business/tech posts now, staying true to the theme running on taylormarek.com. You will find this article, as well as any podcasting
2009 Tax Deduction Tip for Businesses
With 2009 comes another year, and with a new year comes taxes. Time for all business owners to pull out their books and tally up everything. But before you send it into the Fed, here is a tip. Have you checked all your expenses? If you havenR
But I thought this stimulus package was supposed to help!
Honestly, I’m not trying to make this into a political blog, but this is just too funny to notice. Browsing Reuters, I ran across this article:
The Best Stimulus is no Stimulus
I said I would explain this quote in the next post, enjoy. In my previous post, I said, “The best stimulus to our economy is no sti
Economic Stimulus Package
Ok, let me get one thing out of the way before I begin. I am opposed entirely to this notion, partly because I am a free market enonomist and partly because I can see right through the red tape in the government. From a general standpoint this l
Downloads will now be taxed
Yes, you heard me right. This makes me mad to no end. Why? Ugh, don’t even get me started…. First off, taxing the internet period is just dumb. Its virtually impossible to enforce, and even if it was able to be, you would have the ma
New Google Tool
Hey all, I originally wanted to post this early this month, but with my blog crashing and everything, never had a chance to. Now I can, so here it is. Ever wanted to see if you were getting what you paid for when it came to your ISP? We