Reviewing Minnesota

Reviewing Minnesota

Latest Episodes

Reviewing MN - Yellow Room
March 31, 2019

My remake on the Amber Box

Reviewing MN - Mickey’s Diner
March 12, 2019

I ate at Mickey’s diner in St. Paul and this is my review on it.

Reviewing MN -MSP Airport
March 12, 2019

My experience in just a little insight of the Minneapolis airport.

My School - ALC
March 09, 2019

I attend an Area Learning Center and here is why I think it’s unique.

Reviewing Minnesota - AHS
February 26, 2019

Listen to this episode of Reviewing MN to hear about the Animal Humane Society & why it’s so awesome.

Changing the World with Your Opinion
February 08, 2019

My personal experience and why everyone should be more open towards each other.

Reviewing Minnesota - Yellow Room
February 08, 2019

This week I went into Minneapolis to take photos and explore.

January 25, 2019

Kira shares info on her nicknames