Retro Disney World Podcast

Retro Disney World Podcast

Ep 10 - Disney-MGM Studios Opening Day: Hooray for Floridawood

August 17, 2015

Welcome to Episode 10 of the Retro Disney World Podcast: "Hooray for Floridawood" - We appreciate your support and hope you have been enjoying each and every episode. Be sure to check out some of our previous shows.Corrections and Comments - Brian
discusses some EPCOT 30 corrections about World Showcase from our last
episode and we have photos of the real "depression era house"
inspiration from The American Adventure shown to us. Take a look!   Main Topic - We
take you back to the opening day of the Disney-MGM Studios, way back on
May 1, 1989. Our very own How and our guest, Hoot Gibson were waiting
in the parking lot all night to be the first through the gates. They
discuss rubbing elbows with Michael Eisner and Bob Hope and of course
giving commentary about being the first to see different attractions.
How has a great story about being the first person ever to take a pie to
the face at Super Star Television. Join us as we relive opening day,
through the eyes of the attendees. Todd references his trip in August
1989 and you can see nearly 40 minutes of vintage Disney-MGM studios
footage here: Rewind -
Congratulations to our winner, Andrew Toffolli for guessing the EPCOT
lagoon shows that came before Illuminations (Carnival de Lumierem, A New
World Fantasy, and Laserphonic Fantasy). Trevor Thornton guessed the
audio rewind correctly, which was the Astutuer Computer Revue from
Communicore. If you think you know the answer to the audio puzzler this
month, email us at
for a chance to win a Living Seas Hydrolator #3 spiral notebook - All
correct answers will also be entered into a drawing in December of 2015
for a Paul Hartley reproduction map from!!*JT is still waiting for your photograph at the old Discovery Island pirate ship; this will earn you a great bonus prize!!RetroWDW Merchandise - Our very first limited edition RetroTee based on an Illumnations napkin is now available for sale at The Imperial Shirt Company! This
shirt will only be available until August 31! Our Redbubble shop is
doing great, in fact thanks to our listeneres we all have upgraded audio
equipment! All designs are exclusive to RetroWDW and will be rotated
out and updated frequently. Be sure to get your shirt, iPhone case, tote
bag, pillow or coffee mug today: Verde University Tee
- Jason has designed a fantastic t-shirt inspired by the Horizons
desert farming scene. The MVU logo includes the schools official fruit
(a Lorange) and the motto which reads: "Nobis septem annos liberos
mittite, agricolas remittemus" (Send us your children for seven years,
we will return farmers). This is only a 7 day flash sale! Get your shirt
today: Mail - Lots
of great mail this month, thanks so much for your emails! Kurt sent us a
note asking about the World of Motion and how the scenes resemble books
and photographs. The group gives him our answer and where he can locate
the different scenes in print form. We also heard from Gordon, who did
some recon for us, finding out that the Centorium did not have an early
morning smell. The evening check though, did revealed a stench....  We
had lots of great photos sent to us via twitter this month, super cool.
Please contact us - podcast@retrodisneyworld.comFilm Restoration - Due
to time constrains we skip the film restoration discussion for a month,
however Todd has acquired some super rare 16mm Walt Disney World films.
These are very pricey to digitally convert. We've setup an account on where you can pledge to help the restoration effort and in
return receive exclusive early access to this podcast for 1 year! If you can help us please check out Our Restoration Project on Patreon.comWe hope you have enjoyed this episode! If you have any questions, suggestions or find errors please email us podcast@retrodisney