Living The Retirement Lifestyle
She Believed She Could And She Did
In this edition of Living The Retirement podcast we talk to our good friend and award winning business coach Kylie Anderson. Originally from Australia and now living and working in the UK, we first met her over a decade ago when she entered the world of online entrepreneurship. We knew she had that spark in her and she’s proved us right reaching that milestone birthday (she just turned 50) and running a very successful thriving coaching business
But we’ll let Kylie share her story and hope you will be inspired to move out of your comfort zone and know that there is more to life than sticking with what you’ve always done and were good at for fear of what lies beyond!
We so loved that moment where Kylie says her boss came into the office bragging about his travel card and she realised he was still coming into the office in his retirement… one of those pivitol moments that made her know for certain it was her time to do something about building her own business to give her the flexibility to travel and start living a life not centred around work!
We remembered her coming to an event we had organised showing people how they could start an online business and was in the front row taking notes and smiling like the proverbial cheshire cat.
Kylie shares how she was experimenting with different ways to make money online (which is what most people do to be honest) , found what didn’t work and how not everyone can be trusted but she didn’t ever give up on her dreams and goals
She knew that honing her skills would help her reach them and it would take a little time to “find her thing” as she describes it
She knew that overnight success and ‘getting rich quick’ was a fallacy and an investment into personal development was extremely important
Which all led to her thinking about the ‘missing link‘ as she refers to it. She was an avid consumer of training but wasn’t earning from all that knowledge! How could she change that and provide a service which would bridge the gap for people creating all this training, writing books, producing courses and bring the those all important clients?
And a business was born – one that began by helping small businesses get a better presence online and collect those all important leads and learn how to communicate and nurture those those leads until some became their customers or clients.
Her next realisation was that there were a lot of successful women making incredible amounts of money using the internet and conversely many were living paycheck to paycheck and had little or no plan for their retirement.
Another seed was sown!
She shared with us how on a recent economic forum she learnt that something like 60% of the wealth in the UK is going to be owned by women by 2025. It’s a massive market and spotting an opportunity that’s where her focus is today, championing women entrepreneurs. Plus finding ways to grow faster without so much effort and time and harnessing other ways to generate legacy wealth, all of which she can include inside her coaching business.
This led to the birth of Iconic Wealth For Women and the focus of her business today.
With over 7 years solid business experience, followed by 3 years running an online coaching business. She’s uniquely positioned with REAL business experience to help her clients leverage their knowledge, develop additional income streams and help them on a journey towards more freedom and more income.
Her Advice
Don’t stay set in your ways as you get older. The internet is here to stay and there’s so many things you could do with a little help and guidance. If you haven’t made plans for your retirement it’s not too late – get some advice and get started now – every little helps!
And her motto
“work less and earn more, whilst making an impact and changing other peoples lives”
If you want to follow Kylie you can connect with her on her favourite social media platform and website
We hope you’ve enjoyed listening to Kylie and her plans for the future. We think she’s got her retirement nailed and hope that you got some ideas from it for your own path and that if you need to you that you find ways to add some extra income to give you the retirement you hoped for.