Living The Retirement Lifestyle
Keep Climbing – Failure Is Not An Option
Welcome to Living The Retirement Lifestyle Podcast and our guest today Davis Rosell talking about creating certainty in the uncertainty of retirement – coincidentally the sub title of his book Failure Is Not An Option written in memory of his Grandma Ruth and dedicated to every person young and old, who dreams of becoming financially independent and building a happy, successful and rewarding life.
David is far from being your typical “wealth management” advisor which you will definitely discover during our chat because not only is he a financial expert, he’s also an extreme sports enthusiast and parallels his love for mountain climbing with an individual’s financial journey.
Climbing up the mountain is what we do while accumulating wealth during our working years (hopefully) and descending the mountain is what we do during our spending/retirement years.
But the descent isn’t necessarily the ‘easy’ part since most climbing accidents actually occur during the descent, and that is also often true, financially speaking, for retirees, too”
Tune in and lets hear what he has to say as we discuss his adventures including hitchhiking from Nairobi to Cape Town, Africa and climbing the infamous peaks of the Nepalese Himalayas… and taking part in the historic tearing down the Berlin Wall
Let’s begin…
The tearing down of the Berlin Wall of course repeated itself metaphorically speaking 20 years later when the financial worlds came tumbling down in 2008 and had a detrimental effect on all of us especially those of us in or approaching their later life retirement years.
The truth is as David says, you have to plan for the second half of the journey because there are no shortcuts to any place worth going! You have to keep climbing.
Photo Credit Sebastian Pena Lambarri Unsplash
In Chapter 1 he begins with “Imagine that you’re at Mt Everest Base Camp and you’ve come across a group of mountaineers about to start their expedition to the summit. What’s your ultimate goal?” you ask them…
How would they answer?
If you’re like most people you probably assume that their ultimate goal is getting to the top
And you’ll find out if you continue reading this chapter that you would be wrong because it’s the second half of the journey you have to plan for… the descent!
Love that he’s on a quest to visit at least 100 countries in his lifetime.
Like us, seeing the world through other cultures’ eyes is an integral part of helping us and him keep all things in perspective as we navigate .
We all know that there are endless books on how to accumulate wealth and how to get out of debt. However, few resources teach what to do once you have reached the top, even though you are faced with unique and potentially devastating risks as you begin the second half of your financial journey. This book was written to fill that gap. Through an unexpected melding of travel and even family stories coupled with financial survival tips, Failure Is Not an Option will lay out the eight fundamental risks every retiree faces and help you create more certainty in the uncertainty of retirement. In the process, it will help you achieve far greater financial peace of mind, since just like climbing mountain those who recognize and address these risks are most likely to safely and successfully complete their journey. Don Yaeger sums up the the book with his quote “A ‘Road Less Traveled’ meets ‘Think & Grow Rich’.”
Last words…
Help yourself first, so you’re in a position to help others
How To Connect & Follow David for lessons, tips and advice on how you can live the life you’ve always imagined in your retirement years.
Thanks for joining us for this episode of Living The Retirement Lifestyle Podcast and meeting with David to talk about why failure is not and should not be an option in navigating your retirement